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Friday, April 15, 2011

I do not need financial plan

(1) Ann said " my uncle lost so much money in investment , don't know what investment ,scary man, some more talk investment in financial planning , save in bank better"

(2) Ak said "Lehman Brothers go bankrupt , bank can disappear , insurance company also in trouble , who can we trust now ?"

(3) James said " 2012 end of the world , i prefer enjoy my life , saving  .. for what ? "

(4) Jack said " too many unforeseen incident happen , illness, accident, natural disastrous , kipnap, snatch theft etc . I don't know if i am still survive next moment or not. Planning for future , is that important?  earn and spend , better life and  joyous,  financial plan sound ideal , i think mm... tough ler "

(5) Joe said " if i am sick and can't work and broke, i will go high rise and jump down , will not burden any one . "

(6) Jinn said " if i am sick , i can go government hospital , very cheap only ..."

(7) Kit said " i don't have money, plan what ?'

(8) Kat said " my father can issue check for donation anytime 1 million if he like ,  i think i don't need financial plan.."

(9) Kati said " if my husband died , all asset belongs to me , still need to write will , estate planning ?? "

(10) Mei said " i contribute regular for EPF, retirement no problem "

(11) Meme said " my company already have medical insurance for me , no need to insure again "

The above all common collective objection in area of cash flow , risk planning, investment planning (for define purposes )  and estate planning .

Its no wrong  to have your own perception , it may be right some points. However , all the above can have better perspective.

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