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Sunday, April 24, 2011

My two cents opinion (1)

(1) Ann said " my uncle lost so much money in investment , don't know what investment ,scary man, some more talk investment in financial planning , save in bank better"

from ysl two cents
Some clients initially having similar comment . If can , try understand from your uncle the detail of his experience and relate this .
Was it an legal investment and approved by Bank Negara Malaysia?
Was it an ponzi scheme?
Did he undertand the investment ?
Who is the intermediary to bridge this process, was the intermediary a licensed person for that particular investment  ?
Is that monitoring process needed for such investment?
What is your uncle's investment appetite , experience and risk profile ?
What is his investment objective ?
What is his investment time horizon ?
Did he understand the risk and opportunity of a particular investment ?
Is he having realistic return for the particular investment ? was he too greedy for an over promised unrealistic rate of return .
Is his financial circumstances allow him to invest ?
Is he having enough reserve prior enter the investment ?
Is financing method use to fund this investment ?
Is he  understand the risk factor ? can he take it ?

Most fix deposit rate in Malaysia about 2.65% per annum . While how much is the inflation rate we experience ? 6%, 8% or 10% (depend on individual lifestyle , living area etc )?
In relation to inflation , we  commonly use CPI (Consumer Price Index ) which is commodity linked prices i.e. rice,sugar and cooking oil.  CPI is understated as these numbers are controlled. Yet people spend money on too many items which is not price controlled such as all diary products , napkins, house, vehicles, education, transportation , healthcare etc.
The higher of inflation rate erode the value of money , when the money is in your normal saving account , the purchasing power of the sum you are holding will depreciate with time.
To avoid the depreciation of the value due to higher inflation , we can do this :

(a) make sure your earning power is way much higher than you inflation rate year after year , place much higher % of income in bank saving account to cope for future expenses needed. You need to work much harder year after year .... ( the bank who keep your money will happily turn your deposit as their capital for others investment which generate higher return and pay you  nominal fees )

(b) invest your money for better return , let your money work harder to accumulate the future sum needed in shorter time .

However, prior investment, you need to qualify yourself first .


Friday, April 15, 2011

I do not need financial plan

(1) Ann said " my uncle lost so much money in investment , don't know what investment ,scary man, some more talk investment in financial planning , save in bank better"

(2) Ak said "Lehman Brothers go bankrupt , bank can disappear , insurance company also in trouble , who can we trust now ?"

(3) James said " 2012 end of the world , i prefer enjoy my life , saving  .. for what ? "

(4) Jack said " too many unforeseen incident happen , illness, accident, natural disastrous , kipnap, snatch theft etc . I don't know if i am still survive next moment or not. Planning for future , is that important?  earn and spend , better life and  joyous,  financial plan sound ideal , i think mm... tough ler "

(5) Joe said " if i am sick and can't work and broke, i will go high rise and jump down , will not burden any one . "

(6) Jinn said " if i am sick , i can go government hospital , very cheap only ..."

(7) Kit said " i don't have money, plan what ?'

(8) Kat said " my father can issue check for donation anytime 1 million if he like ,  i think i don't need financial plan.."

(9) Kati said " if my husband died , all asset belongs to me , still need to write will , estate planning ?? "

(10) Mei said " i contribute regular for EPF, retirement no problem "

(11) Meme said " my company already have medical insurance for me , no need to insure again "

The above all common collective objection in area of cash flow , risk planning, investment planning (for define purposes )  and estate planning .

Its no wrong  to have your own perception , it may be right some points. However , all the above can have better perspective.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Extraordinary Journey (3)

Below is not written by me . This is a piece of information given during Extraordinary Journey , compliment from LIB Consultant Sdn Bhd.
I am grateful to have this message , i like to share with you.

I become what I think about
The me I see, the me I will be
I think, therefore I am, I do

I think, I feel, I act to get results
The more I act, the more I get
The more I give, the more I get

What I give out is what I get back
Life is like an echo-
When I shout it yells back at me
Life is like a boomerang-
When I throw it out,it keeps coming back

Yes, I am a choice maker
What I choose in life is what I get

I think positive, I become positive
I think negative, I become negative

I think big, I become big
I think small, I become small

I think I can, I can
I think I cannot, I cannot

I get what I am looking for
I found the 10-acre lot because
I was looking for the 10-acre lot

I think of hate, I become hateful
I think of revenge, I become revengeful
I think of fear, I become fearful
I think of love, I become lovable
I think of respect, I become respectful
I think of humbleness, I become humble

Yes, I become what I think about

As I think in my heart so am I

What I can hold in my heart,
I can have it in my hands

I move in the direction of my dominant thoughts
I am the sum total of my thoughts
Thoughts become things.


Extraordinary Journey (2)

Pebble of Gratitute

My conscious mind said prefer keeping and save the physical pebble in my display cabinet , and carry this Pebble of Gratitute in subconscious mind.

This beautiful pebble given by trainer in Extraordinary Journey. size at 1.5cm x 1cm x0.5cm.
I am visualised this repetitively , and plant in subconscious mind .

This pebble will remind me for all gratefulness ...

I am thankful to have you as myblog visitor .
I am thankful still able to write today.
I am thankful still alive today.
I am thankful for my healthy soul.

I am grateful to have a loving family
I am grateful to have healthy parents.
I am grateful to have 2 beautiful children.
I am grateful to have understanding sibling

I am thankful to have your support
I am thankful to have your friendship
I am thankful to have the precious childhood friends
I am thankful to have challenges to grow stronger

The list will go on ....

Extraordinary Journey (1)

My New Self Image 

Setting goals yearly not a new thing .

Today i completed the training of 2 days Extraordinary Journey with SFP colleagues . Setting SMART (specific, motivated, achievable, realistic, time bound ) goals again is one of the exercises.  In past 10 years , the goals set was keeping in a diary unread months . 

Today  i recall the goals set on 1 Jan 2011 , rewrite it down here.

1. Spiritual
  • I pray daily morning and evening.
 2. Intellectual 
  • Complete reading personal money magazine monthly
  • Read, write, think , analyse any article/ book 1 hour daily. 
  • wake up daily 640am .
  • exercise while watching news 7am-730am
  • Reduce 4kg weight to target 54kg and  ideal BMI  by end 2011.
  • MDRT 2012 recognition
5. Family
  • Back to Sekinchan and visit parents monthly
  • Spend at least an hour a day chat with children 
 6. Finances
  • 200K gross revenue for Optimum Planning & Strategy Sdn.Bhd. by end 2011
  • Review & update  FP plan to current date yearly.
  • Continue serving SAS Alumni Society .

Our trainer Joseph said the above goals set are only fantasy .
They are theory.
The time needed to turn these to reality depend on how best i put  effort in.
Shorter time needed if the best effort i can pour in.

To turn the fantasy to reality , i need to practice SAVE:
S: Spaced repetition
A: Auto Suggestion
V: Visualisation
E: Experience

To practice SAVE, i need to have FAITH, i need to believe it . 

The fantasy  is "thought"  which is inside conscious mind , this is the thinking & reason mind , my conscious mind will accept and reject idea , and thus having limitation.

I need to turn "though" to " feeling " in process of internalisation .
Internalisation will only happen in subconscious mind . Subconscious mind is the power center, this center will accept every single word i instruct and having unlimited power. The subconscious mind not able to differentiate true or false.

When the goals are all planted in subconscious mind and  being internalised , then the action will send out vibration and positive energy to help achieve the result.

Last but not least , after have FAITH  on these, LG LG (let go , let God).