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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Malaysia Private Retirement Scheme

Frequently Asked Question on PRS :

Private Retirement Scheme manage by private sector , not government.

As announced in Budget 2012:
  • personal tax relief up to RM3000 per annum will be given for an individual's contribution to the PRS; and
  • employers will also be given tax deduction on contributions to PRS made on behalf of their employees of up to 19% of the employees' remuneration.

One of the world leader in private pension scheme- Manulife Asset Management 


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    2) Life insurance malaysia

    In a nutshell, there are 2 big categories that make up Insurance benefit, namely Protection and Savings. The cost of your insurance is a balance between Protection component and Savings component. You can get proper advice by seeking insurance in malaysia. Some of informations maybe controversial to what you believe or what your agent will say.

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    4) Retirement planning in malaysia

    I say we get our own retirement plan in malaysia. Our EPF is not enough. Unless you can make sure you have great cash cow or successful business by your retirement age, if not, start having a plan to force you save and grow on its own.

  2. Thanks Raffi for your input . Have a nice day !
