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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Notes from 2011 Joint Conference Taipei- Constructing The Future

20 -22 Sept 2011 // Malaysia & Singapore Financial Advisers combine conference :
  • Relationship = Money  vs Time = Money
  • People engage your service  when they can't fill their own needs
  • People buy using their own buying patterns, not your selling pattern.
  • save => invest => then only spend ,  not save => spend  ( beyond basic need )
  • All individual having 5 area of health to take care with 
  1. Financial health
  2. Mental health
  3. Physical health
  4. Spiritual health
  5. Emotional health
  • Practice and ask prospect " what's the reason that stop you from becoming my client ?" ; " Is that all these reason stop you from becoming my client ?"  ( get a yes from prospect ) ; " are you sure ? " (get a yes from prospect again ) ; " So long as I can resolve all these reasons you don't want to be my client, would you then become my client ? "
  • Emerging Market Bull-Bear Tug of War // Look Beyond current volatility  (check slides)
  • Develop market
  • Emerging market
  • Frontier market ( emerging of emerging market )

Lesson From Monopoly
  • Cash is king
  • Passive income is the key to wealth
  1. Inflation risk- guarantee erosion of purchasing power
  2. Investment risk - Potential increase in wealth
  3. Debt Trap - Be careful with low interest rate environment // low interest rate mean low debt servicing cost // but market interest rate can change like the weather, cause increase debt servicing cost anytime.
  • use 'jail ' as a time to reflect & refresh  & come back stronger .
  • Luck is part of life, take advantage of it
  • Improve what you have
  • Believe your believe, doubt your doubt

  • successful people do what unsuccessful  people don't
  • every 90 days process, connect to your clients.
  • Question are guaranteed in life . Answer don't .
  • An idea share become ideal & ideal to reality .
  •    Do you want to continue selling financial product ?  or  Do you like to change customer life to better financial position  ?   ( AHHA !  CHANGING CUSTOMER LIFE TO BETTER FINANCIAL POSITION IS OUR OBLIGATION  !  )  
  •  Walton predevelopment land investment -  sustainable fundamental , sustainable solution
  • Walton big picture on how to identify the predevelopment land opportunities :
  1. Population
  2. Employment
  3. Housing
  4. Infrastructure

  • all of us having 3 age :
  1. 1st age : Education
  2. 2nd age : Employment
  3. 3rd age : Retirement 
  • ' Old Man '  vs ' Elderly Gentlement  ' ,  the different in  ' money ' 

A touching journey share from Mei Mei of Singapore , transition from banker to Financial Adviser , unexpected overwhelming ;
' no longer working for bank , but working with bank . ' . I salute you, Mei Mei .


Brenda , a successful financial adviser share on her way in corporate and high net worth clients' financial planning with fee base services .
' Financial adviser is an architect of client's wealth , client's future '
'Human touch value in financial adviser , making different of people's life , is scorecard of successful future .

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Be a Licensed Financial Adviser just because you like the glamour name of it

Over the dining table , i was trying to tell that some one came to my office today for direct marketing of gold proposal and i am now understood the mechanism behind this scheme that work well for the merchant ....

Before i finished the sentences , my husband distracted by saying ' all direct selling are the same , the most profitable is the initiator . Today , i met an rich insurance agent who only sell PA policies, he said what for be financial adviser , they just like the glamour name on it, showing off , who want financial service? see, so many rich peoples never need this  '

'No, not that .....k , don't talk about this ...'

My heart sunk , this comment came out  from the person who closest and dearest to me. His thinking changed after the conversation with this friend , and denying my passion for the past 10 years .

Yes, no deny for those friends who are agent in insurance or unit trust , being a sole product marketer or tied agent  can become very rich by just focusing single products/insurer . Agree, I don't have question on this success story .

I progress , upgrade and transition mainly due to career satisfaction :
(1) I don't like to talk product and product again , sales focus, group challenges, fight trips/target and quota.
(2) When client need insurance , i only can offer HLA when i was tied agent with them . For sales closing , 
      my  products always the best ...why ? simple as that , i don't have choices .
(3) All kind of sales ideas created for the product you want to sell.
(4) Same for investment product , i only can offer CIMB funds and no others
(5) When client whole family policies in same company , i started worry after global crisis involved AIG
(6) A client whose whole family policies & investment served by me,  start asking " sheau ling, we like your
     service, but we hope to have different insurer's policy for the new born now ..."

Now with my position as independent licensed financial adviser, i able to provide more holistic advice in 6 steps of financial planning processes , with clients goals and objective , solution provision not in particular products selling , i know where to mix , choose the most suitable and match from all insurances & investment companies . Don't you see the advantages clients will have ?
The advantages and fair recommendation to clients is my greatest satisfactions .

Yes, the title of independent licensed financial adviser is sound  professionalism , what's wrong with this ? With my qualification , passion and experience , i am truly qualified . With all my colleagues who having the same position ( total Malaysia less than 300 pax) , we are moving Malaysia toward develop nation , this is call showing off ?

Malaysia financial planning  market is evolving now , financial planning topic is started now in higher institution , teaching in public, workshop and short courses organizing by Ministry of Education and Government services sector, with one of the promoter Malaysia Financial Planning Council (MFPC) . I have been given opportunity to lecture in few programs to university students & government staffs.

Financial planning is very wide & tough to master in this  infancy stage  . Its my passion to move forward  and conquest the obstacles . With the colleagues in same position , we are progressing well in learning , process, know how ,improving , helping each other for future industry growth . Bear in mind, Singapore already 5 years ahead of Malaysia in this industry , in develop country like Australia , merely no tied agent exist . Its the matter of time for Malaysia to move to same level as Singapore and Australia .

Friday, July 8, 2011

My two cents opinion (4)

(4) Jack said " too many unforeseen incident happen , illness, accident, natural disastrous , kipnap, snatch theft etc . I don't know if i am still survive next moment or not. Planning for future , is that       important?  earn and spend , better life and  joyous,  financial plan sound ideal , i think mm... tough ler "

From ysl two cents 
Our life full with lovely surprises too.

Do you remember your dearest parents, who accompany you in your growing progress and shower you the love, surprises , encouragement ...
Do you remember once upon a time, some one express his/her love to you ?
Do you remember your  friends in childhood time, primary or secondary or tertiary ? the journey with wonderful memory.
Do you remember the day your spouse to be ask for his/her hand in marriage , sweet surprises isn't it ?
Do you remember how is the feeling of a baby growing in your womb , moving , kicking in your womb ? lovely feeling from surprises.
Do you remember the feeling when your baby born in the first day? many surprises to watch them grow and progress to kids to teenager ..
Do you remember you receive pay raised the first time ?
Do you remember your service your work being complimented ?
Do you remember your friendship being appreciated ?

Our life full with much more lovely and positive surprises , don't you agree ?

The negative unforeseen incident such as illness, accident, natural disastrous etc  is the event may or may not happen in our life ,this frustration  could be embellishment to our life, to strengthen our life experience.

The negative event could be avoided or reduced  if you take good care of your health, cautious and alert in your surrounding , avoid disastrous fond places .

However, the unforeseen incident still visit us some days beyond our control . We do not let this negative events ruin our lovely  life , we plan to mitigate the risk financially . with this we protect ourselves , protect our love ones.